The 2016 BET Awards went down last weekend, and all the celebrities in attendance showcase the fabulous fashions on the red carpet. Of these celebrities, we spotted Actress Tasha Smith rocking Toronto's very own African fashion Designer Rahyma Momodu Awanife of the Rahyma Sleek fashion label Harem Jumpsuit.
I'm so happy to see a talented Toronto African designer getting such big celebrity and international exposure. I've worked with Rahyma in the past as both our fashion lines were shot together for the cover of ELONN magazine some years back. Her designs are absolutely stunning! Rahyma Sleek was in LA during this time as part of the Zuvaa BET Awards Experience Pop-up shop, so it is no surprise that her fabulous designs caught the eye of many and ended up on a celebrity.
See more of Tasha Smith in Rayma Sleek...
It's great to see that Tasha chose to support an African designer and rock and Afrocentric look at the Award show. Tasha also posted herself in this look on her Instagram page, as she showed some love to African fashion designers.
So happy for you Rahyma!!
I think I need to get this outfit for myself too :)
To learn more about Rahyma Sleek and to shop her fashions, check out her online pages:
Website - HERE
Instagram - HERE
Facebook - HERE