June 15, 2016

Happy One Year Anniversary!!! The AfroFusion Spot Blog Turns 1 :)

Wow! Time flies sooo fast!

One year ago today, I launched the AfroFusion Spot blog. This past year has been filled with a lot of learning, growth and fun new discoveries. This was my first time venturing into blogging and I have been loving every bit of it. It has taken quite some time for me to build this blog and get into the flow of things, as well as develop my focus of content I wanted to share on this blog. However, throughout this process I've learned a lot and think I've finally gotten the hang of things.

Thank you to all my readers and followers for showing me love over the past year, I appreciate all your support. Also, welcome to all my new readers, followers and subscribers! I hope you are enjoying the AfroFusion Spot so far. Moving forward, I have a lot of great new and exiting things that I will be sharing with y'all and will continue to work to consistently share new interesting AfroFusion content on the blog.

Wait, there is more...

Orange Alert!
To mark this one year anniversary, I am about to launched my first video on my new Youtube Channel 'MissG Afrofusion' in the next few days so definitely check it and subscribe!

Thank you all again! I'm so excited for y'all to see what there is to come this year on The AfroFusion Spot...stay tuned! :)
